Sunday, December 29, 2019

How to Navigate Politics at Work

How to Navigate Politics at WorkHow to Navigate Politics at Work Is it ever a good idea to talk politics at work-especially now, with the midterms just around the corner? While the political scene seems to have reached a heightened pitch in recent years, the crescendo has been long mounting, and workplace conversations have followed suit. Human Resources service provider Randstad recently conducted a survey revealing that 64 percent say political discussions at work have grown more heated over the past 510 years. Workplace culture is key to employee satisfaction and retention. How do political discussions help or hurt that culture? And what are some strategies for handling such conversations when they arise? Bart Turczynski , Managing Editor at Zety, shares survey results from 1,000 employees detailing their workplace conversational habits he points out that around 83% of his respondents reported discussing politics at work. Turczynski explains On average, responden ts said these sometimes-sensitive exchanges occurred almost eight days a month accounting for nearly a third of the days they spent around the office. The Ranstad study elendes Sixty-five percent of employees say theyre comfortable discussing politics with colleagues, and over a third (38%) say theyve changed their opinions on political issues because of discussions theyve had with colleagues. The same study found, however, that staff also experienced less favorable outcomes. The study states While many employees seem to value having the space and opportunity to discuss politics in the workplace, some additional parameters and guidance may prove helpful. It can be tempting to want to write off the whole topic, to aim to create a culture in which political conversations are categorically nixed. But is that realistic, and does it foster a healthy workplace culture ?Mikaela Kiner, founder and CEO of uniquelyHR explains How do you say bring your whole self to work but dont talk abou t whats going on in the world. . . its just gotten so much more about inclusion than exclusion. . . Its used to be that you come to work, you do work, you talk about work. The whole personal side was a separate entity. But people have realized and acknowledged that theres no truth to that. It all bleeds over. Theres value to having a workplace where you can be honest and genuine, and where you can grow and thrive with a team of people with whom you spend a tremendous amount of time. But it has to be enabled in such a way that its comfortable for everyone.Its hard to separate ourselves from the politics of the day. Kiner points out I almost feel like theres no avoiding it. Its natural to be talking about it right now. Kiner explains that even though there may be an inclination to discuss news and politics, its important to understand who you are sitting at the table with. She recommends doing a bit of a check in, to get a clear sense of who youre engaging with. Know your audience bef ore you start the conversation, and tread carefully. Kiner also points out that a curious dialogue can be a good strategy for growth, if youre genuinely curious and not looking for an argument, but youre trying to start a conversation with a colleague whose perspective you know to be different than your own. She recommends a lead in such as I know were probably on opposite sides of the issue, and Im really curious about what you think.Its also important to have a palette of language that you can use to exit conversations that you dont want to participate in Politely leave conversations that you dont want to be involved in, and respect others needs as well, especially if you know that a colleague is not open to these kinds of conversations. Respect is the key to making this work.Designating an employee focus group gives employees space to discuss politics, news and world events freely, and it gives leadership some control over the mores that group members agree will govern their part icipation. Kiner explains Typically when organizations have these groups, they are allowing for freedom of speech and they have some guidelines. Usually its something like its ok to disagree, but were not going to say things that are rooted in hate, make threats or use unprofessional language. So, they are inviting people to have a constructive dialogue. This can be a win-win, as it creates a proper space for productive, respectful political conversation. Kiner explains that these groups can happen via physical meetings, email lists, slack channels, chat channels, etc. While you and your co-workers may not always agree on politics, you probably have core values that you share. Get back to those basics that bind you together. While you may not agree on the party or candidate that you support, you may find common ground on your shared support of Veterans, for example. Work with your colleagues on a project that reminds you that youre all in this together. Because, despite your differe nces, you are.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Putting New Vehicles to the Test

Putting New Vehicles to the Test Putting New Vehicles to the Test Whether designing a power plant, developing a space module, or building a new car, designers and developers know they must meet stringent codes and standards before their projects get a green light.Over the past century and even before, independent organizations and governments have been creating standards and codes to test performance and safety.Typically, in almost all industries, you have regulations by law, says William E. candida robusta, a recognized expert on the auto industry.He considers CFR Title 49 his bible, and more specifically Part 571, which covers Federal murl Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS). Under Title 49, part of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has a legislative mandate to issue FMVSS (standards and regulations).The standards, first issued in 1967, are defined as the minimum requirements for motor vehicles and equipment to protect the public against unreasonable risk of accidents occurring as a result of the design, construction, or performance of a motor. Motor vehicle manufacturers and equipment suppliers must conform and certify their compliance.Advanced Testing TechniquesDuring four decades as a professional engineer working at companies such as General Motors and TRW, Gest has seen many changes in performance testing and standards, and he passes along his learning to the next generation of engineers as an adjunct professor at the Ira A. Fulton Schools for Engineering, Arizona State University, Tempe. He teaches a capstone course on ethics and business practices related to the impact of mechanical and aerospace engineering in a global society.Computer software is being used to test car performance before prototypes are built.With sophisticated software and advanced methodologies, the auto industry can do most, if not all, of its testing in the analysis phase using a computer-aided design (CAD) model for any kind of analysis, including crash analysis, and whatever else is needed.Gest, also a senior consulting engineer at Augspurger Komm Engineering, Phoenix, AZ, says the major companies today validate the design of a vehicle before building costly prototypes. The analysis tools are so good today that the goal is not to have to run more than one actual vehicle test, he adds.The companies know what things need to be done and are all self-certified. Technically, a company doesnt have to run any tests if they sign off on their own designs. But if there is a problem with the car, and you have to go to court and have no testing to back up your statement that the cars OK, you will have to write a very large check, says Gest.Spotlight on SafetyWhile the regulations require additional complex work and add to the sticker price even though fewer prototypes are needed, Gest says its been a good thing. Not only has vehicle safety improved over the years, but so, too, have other aspects such as emissions. H e estimates the testing probably accounts for about 1520% of the cost of a vehicle.Complicating the certification process are requirements that may differ from country to country and in some cases, state to state, with things like emissions and noise, which are regulated by a different government agency, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.With the cost of a prototype in the neighborhood of $250,000, Gest sees even more reliance on prevalidation by computer. In the past, we might have built maybe 40 prototypes before a car gets to market. Today, were probably seeing as few as 10 to 15, he says.Gest emphasizes to his students that engineering ethics mandate the number one thing is to do no harm. Whatever your design is, make sure its safe, he says.Nancy S. Giges is an independent writer.The analysis tools are so good today that the goal is not to have to run more than one actual vehicle test.William E. Gest, Arizona State University

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Networking Anytime, Anywhere

Networking Anytime, AnywhereNetworking Anytime, AnywhereIncorporate networking into your regular routine to boost your career. Pitch Your Brand While You Play Theres no better way to form a real connection with someone than over a shared interest. When youre not working, what do you like to do? Do you volunteer at a local animal shelter on the weekends or are you a regular at fitness boot camp? Use your hobbies as a way to casually approach networking and meet new people. This is a great alternative to a more structured networking event.Make it a Family AffairWhether youre coaching your daughters softball team or organizing a bake sale for your church, family activities are networking goldmines. Use these opportunities to get to get to know your familys friends and colleagues. Youd be amazed at who you could meet at your nephews tennis match or your spouses work reception.Network at WorkWho says you cant grow your network while on the job? Unless you work for a small organization, ch ances are you arent buddies with all of your colleagues. Grab a cup of coffee with a coworker from a different department to learn more about their side of the business. Approach a more senior colleague to be your mentor and schedule a monthly lunch. If youre sent to a conference for work, make it your goal to meet at least five new people.Socialize with Your SmartphoneThanks to advancements in technology, we now have the ability to network on the go. Whether youre standing in line at the grocery store, taking a quick lunch break, or commuting to the office, you can easily whip out your smartphone or tablet and start making connections. Join relevant professional groups on LinkedIn and connect with fellow members. Shoot off a quick email to the woman you met at your photography class last night and schedule a lunch meeting. This will keep your networking efforts going, no matter where you find yourself.Whether you love it or loathe it, approach networking with an open mind. Theres n o one right way to network, so find the method that works best for your schedule. Dont discount those you meet through your social activities. While your new connections may not be appropriate for your targeted line of work, whos to say they dont have friends or family members who are? Give these options a try and youll be sure to steer your network in the right direction.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

6 Amazing To-Do Lists To Help You Maximize Productivity

6 Amazing To-Do Lists To Help You Maximize Productivity6 Amazing To-Do Lists To Help You Maximize Productivity Sticky notes are so last century. While some people swear by paper to-do lists, Ive always found that they either clutter up my workspace way too much or end up getting lost completely for them to be valuable to me. But the good news is, there are better options out there.With the proliferation of productivity apps, extensions, and software that exist today, theres a plethora of platforms to keep track of your daily priorities.But with so many out there, the question becomes Which one is right for you? Fortunately, this time, you can save yourself the research. Weve created a round-up of some of the best to-do lists out there, each with their own unique features with specific types of work styles in mind. Read on below, and get ready to kick your productivity into high gear .Best for People seeking simplicityA few years ago, after my computer broke down a nd I lost all of the notes I had saved to my desktop, I finally decided to embrace the cloud and download Evernote. Since then, I havent looked back. One thing I love about Evernote is that it can be as simple or as complex as you choose to make it - 95 percent of the time I just draft quick to-do lists using text only, but you can also include links, checklists, tables, photos, audio recordings, website grabs, and more. You can even handwrite notes if that floats your boat, and theyre mucksmuschenstill searchable to boot. The free version allows you to upload up to 60 MB of new material a month, and sync your notes across two devices, while their Evernote Plus offering ($34.99/year) allows you to upload 1 GB a month, store across all of your devices, and access customer support, among other features. If youre feeling extra fancy, Evernote Premium ($69.99/year) lets you upload10 GBa month, annotate PDFs, and present notes with one click.Best For People that need to stop and s mell the flowersIf you often find yourself overwhelmed by everything on your plate , Momentum is the to-do list for you. Add the free extension to your Chrome browser, and every time you open a new tab youll be greeted with a calming, picturesque landscape (the specific image changes each day), a personal greeting, and an inspirational quote (mine today was Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being.). A small to-do list in the lower right-hand corner allows you to list the individual tasks on your plate and check them off as you complete them, while a field in the center prompts you to enter what your biggest priority for the day is - helpful for those who often miss the forest for the trees. It may sound cheesy, but Momentum feels a little bit like a friend there to greet you every time you open a new tab, which both a) helps reduce any anxiety you might have around your workload and b) makes you pause before go ofing off online - its hard to be tempted to go to facebook inc when the tab you open is always reminding you of where your energy should be spent.Best For People who are action-orientedWunderlist has many of the same features as Evernote - the ability to see your notes on multiple devices, clip web pages, share lists with other collaborators, etc. - but its also a bit more action-oriented. If you find yourself often needing reminders, Wunderlist makes it easy by allowing you to assign due dates for items, alerting you with push notifications, and letting you turn emails into action items by forwarding them to the app. If you often find your colleagues and manager pinging you with reminders, this is an easy way to hold yourself accountable. The Pro version allows for more file space, assignments, subtasks, and background images, while the Business version is designed with teams in mind.Best For People who struggle with motivationCARROT brands itself as a talking to-do list with attitude, and with the phrase You dont want to make me upset, featured prominently on their homepage, its clear that theyre not messing around. CARROT provides an almost game-like interface, with rewards for those that follow through on their tasks (and punishments for those who dont). For each assignment you complete, youll be awarded points, ultimately allowing you to level up, and praise - but if you procrastinate, itll hit you with charming phrases like My hatred for you already burns with the passion of 10,000 suns. Be aware, though, that CARROT is more lacking in capabilities than other apps - essentially, you can only list tasks and mark them as complete. However, if youve got a set of simple tasks and just need a virtual assistant to light a fire under your rear, this is a good option.Price Free, with premium upgradesBest For People who want bells & combines many of the best features of Evernote, Carrot, Wunderlist, and iCalendar in an all-in-one packa ge thats sophisticated, yet simple. The free version lets you create events, tasks, notes, and reminders in a calendar-style format, while the Premium version (between $2.09 and $2.99 per month, depending on how many devices you plan to use it on) offers customizable themes, unlimited file sizes, recurring tasks, collaboration, and some other smart features - the coolest of which is probably their location-based reminders that are triggered once youre in the vicinity of a certain area (think walking into the grocery store and being reminded that you need to pick up milk). It also offers a smart virtual assistant (with a little less sass than CARROT) that can do some pretty impressive things. The demo, for example, shows the virtual assistant helping a user select which flowers to buy for their mother in a chat-based interface.Price Free, with premium upgradesBest For People who need help prioritizingNot all tasks are created equal - while you may have 20 things on your to-do list, there are always going to be some that you need to pay closer attention to than others, either because a due date is approaching, there are varying levels of importance, etc. Todoist knows that, and makes it easy for those who struggle with prioritization to get their ducks in a row. In addition to allowing for the creation of lists, reminders, tasks, and more, Todoist offers four levels of color-coded prioritization tags to help you figure out what to focus on first. While the free version will provide you all of the above in a limited quantity, the Premium version ($28.99/year) offers an increased number of projects, automatic backups, productivity tracking and charts, and more.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Rumors, Lies and 2017 Resume Format

Rumors, Lies and 2017 Resume Format If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on 2017 Resume Format All information provided needs to be considered fictional. LiveCareer offers various tools that could help you do not just settle on the best resume format for your specific needs, but also build the resume from the bottom up. HTML formatting is truly helpful if you need to put your resume on a site. When you format your resume you wish to be certain your leave enough margin space to permit for printing. If youre a fresher prefer a 1 page resume format. Pay attention to the resume format you opted to pick, since you want to reveal your skills, dependent on the format you made a decision to pick. Keep in mind, the introduction isnt a crucial element. This format isnt the best resume format not by a very long shot. The Honest to Goodness Truth on 2017 Resume Format Unless youre an IT specialist, you likely dont require a dedicated section spelling out your particular skil l sets. There are two kinds of font. If you still have to save more space for other info, which you want to add to your resume, single line spacing is an excellent decision in your case. While all resumes should offer info in your work and education experience, along with your abilities and achievements, there are unique strategies to deliver this info. For each work application, pick the layout that fruchtwein represents you in the context of the job that youre applying for. Just make sure, whichever format you pick, which youre targeting it for the job that youre applying to. As youve already understood writing an outstanding resume isnt an effortless job that you can do. You are able to create new sections, add in unusual info, or think of creative approaches to present your qualifications. Your resume is an excellent selling document. Make sure that you get the information youre looking for. The obvious division between sections also makes it appear neat and simple to read. Hiring managers are busy people and youve got a limited time to pull their focus to your candidacy. Virtually every business and recruiter uses keywords to determine qualified candidates. Recruiters will learn if it isnt. Dont permit the hiring manager skip you resume only because they couldnt discover your Name. After that, go past the work listing to look for related terms the employer could have inadvertently left out. The most important value of any resume is to bring the most significant info, which hiring manager would love to observe the most. Its imperative that you dont simply apply these resumes verbatim. 2017 Resume Format Help Kursmark says there is not anything wrong with taking slightly from several samples to help it become much easier to construct your own resume. Speaking of unique, the most important target of your resume is to make you stick out from the remainder of the folks applying for the exact same job and another means to create that happen is to use action verbs and power words (also called resume verbs). Theres no doubt that a resume which is both cohesive and professional will have a much better likelihood of standing from the crowd even supposing its made utilizing a template. Your earliest job experiences are likely well taken out of the level and variety of work you do today. The Upside to 2017 Resume Format The truth is, obtaining a simple personal website which highlights your abilities and more importantly your personality go a ways to creating a 3 dimensional persona for the hiring manager. Because the primary purpose of any resume is to offer you a call and an invitation for an interview. Getting the most of a resource that wont only help save you time, but is demonstrated to elevate your odds of scoring a work simply is logical. The issue is, a great deal of people dont see it like an art formrather an obligation. The Battle Over 2017 Resume Format and How to Win It Your name ought to be the bigge st text on the webpage. Its also wise to list wow content below a distinct category, including an Honors and Awards or Media Mentions subhead. Include your complete name, telephone number, email and personal branding website if youve got one. Take a look at our article on the way to use your job references strategically in case you need more info.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

New Article Reveals the Low Down on Resume Writing Service Monster and Why You Must Take Action Today

New Article Reveals the Low Down on Resume Writing Service Monster and Why You Must Take Action Today So, the choice is left up to you whether you would want this kind of tafelgeschirr or not. Maybe, its what happens when you take service from a business who offer versatile services. Since Monster benefits from a broad international audience, it is an excellent distributionspolitik to discover independent reviews of the organization youd love to work for and normal salary data that could prepare you for the negotiation procedure. Think about the takeover from the company by Talent, Corporation. For instance, if youre searching for the monster resume writing services specifically, you are going to have to visit the Career Resources sections and after that choose the Resume Writing Services. If you are searching for redeeming a coupon code, weve got poor news for you. Youre accountable for yourself and please do not forget that your usage of this website constitutes acceptanc e of our Terms of Use. See the FAQ to find out more. As soon as you locate a service you want, dont neglect to look at my review of it. Ask to see samples of prior resumes, which can help you get a sense for the caliber of the services work. Additionally, the website is simple to navigate. It should explain fees and give you a good idea of how the service works. Resume Writing Service Monster - Overview If you cant locate any testimonials, you can ask for references. If you decide to click the links on our website, we might get compensation. Now that there are hundreds and hundreds of complaints and negative reviews, an increasing number of people become disappointed with the businesss quality of resumes. Search for testimonials or endorsements on their site. The Basics of Resume Writing Service Monster Read my essay writing service reviews and my guide to selecting the ideal service for everything you will need to understand about how to select the best writing busines ses. Its critical that the service you select knows for sure theyre only choosing the very best essay writers. By india back office group of professional resume writers will be able to help you upload your. Unfortunately, you cant choose a particular writer to work with. The Nuiances of Resume Writing Service Monster The writer will return to you several times with additional questions about various facets of the resume like experience, educational background and so forth. Obviously, this list isnt exhaustive, these are only a few examples of the most well-known reasons students turn to writing services. This usually means theyre academically qualified, able to compose a well-structured essay and understand how to research from respectable sources. Employing a writing service is the perfect means to have a well-written essay to use as a guideline to guarantee the essays you write are hitting each one of the crucial points and are at the appropriate depth needed for your aca demic grade. When youve reviewed a few sites which pique your interest, you will want to narrow it down to someone whos an excellent fit. Yes, resume builders are very helpful in regards to creating a resume in a jiffy, but could never supply you with the satisfaction of true resume where you are able to make thing personalized. If you dont feel like youre able to speak to the individual honestly, you will have a tough time sharing the information they have to craft your resume. This truly is something youre very likely to wish to accomplisheventually. Quit contemplating jobs resume search. Compare services provided by different resume writing services and select the one which will allow you to get the job of your dream